Yoda staring at stars in galaxy

Financial Tips From Yoda

3 Financial Lessons We Can Learn From Yoda

Very important, saving money is! Whether you are a young Padawan or a Jedi Master, you can learn these 3 valuable financial literacy lessons from Yoda. Read them you should:

1. Be Committed

An important lesson is learned when Yoda tells Luke Skywalker to do something. Luke responds that he’ll “give it a try”. Yoda cryptically responds, “Do or do not… there is no try.” The point being that if you just “try” something, your attitude is likely to be only half-heartedly behind the task.

Finances are one of those areas in life that require full commitment. For example, if you don’t make savings a regular habit, your bank account won’t grow. Or, if you don’t commit to a budget, your spending will always be out of control. Investment is another long-term game that requires you to stick to it. So, don’t just try with your finances. DO!

2. Be Introspective

Yoda encourages lots of introspection. In one moment, he encourages a student to look within himself for answers. Wisely, Yoda said, “Already know you, that which you need.”

You probably already know where you should cut back on spending, that you could save more, or that you should investigate investment options. Or maybe you know that you’d like to have a bigger impact on your community through giving. Or perhaps you know that you need to bring an expert on board to help you reach your goals. All that’s left is for you to act and create new, good financial habits!

3. Be a Dreamer

Yoda stated, “You fail because you don’t believe.” He encourages belief in big dreams, because a negative outlook is destined to lead to failure. If you don’t believe your dreams are possible, you’ll never even start to work toward them.

Having big dreams is essential for your finances! Dream big about building a robust retirement plan. Imagine paying off the last penny of your debt. Whatever your dream is, make sure it is specific, clear, and has a deadline for the best chance to succeed. Slowly, but surely, you can make your dreams come true.

Yoda’s commentary and conversations with characters in Star Wars are truly a great source for advice on your financial life. What other financial lessons could you learn from Yoda?