As a community bank, our experienced lenders are empowered to make fast decisions and recommendations to help you with your lending needs. When you need a lender who understands rural Nebraska, turn to Flatwater Bank.
Our team has years of personal experience in agriculture, agricultural loan expertise, and extensive real estate knowledge. We'll take time to listen to you, and then help you find the right loan to fit your needs. We're just a phone call or email away.
Bret Tiller - NMLS# 457407
senior vice President of Lending
Monty Schriver - NMLS# 457294
Vice President compliancE/lending
ryan groteluschen - NMLS# 1472914
Vice President lending
Joe Libal - NMLS# 1174531
vice president lending
Morgan Fornoff - NMLS # 1091285
vice president lending
Joe Hickman - NMLS# 1411975
assistant vice president
ADAM COLE - NMLS#2495067
loan officer