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Financial Planning Calculators

Financial calculators can be extremely useful tools to help you define, refine, and reach your financial goals. Try our easy-to-use calculators below.
Do you know what it takes to work towards a secure retirement? Use this calculator to help you create your retirement plan. View your retirement savings balance and your withdrawals for each year until the end of your retirement. Social Security is calculated on a sliding scale based on your income. Including a non-working spouse in your plan increases your Social Security benefits up to, but not over, the maximum.
Creating a Roth IRA can make a big difference in your retirement savings. There is no tax deduction for contributions made to a Roth IRA, however all future earnings are sheltered from taxes, under current tax laws. The Roth IRA can help provide potential tax-free growth.
In 1997, the Roth IRA was introduced. This new IRA allowed for contributions to be made on an after-tax basis and all gains (or growth) to be distributed completely tax-free. Since then, people with incomes under $100,000 have had the option to convert all or a portion of their existing Traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs. Beginning in 2008, participants with funds in eligible employer-sponsored plans could also roll those funds directly over to a Roth IRA in a qualified rollover if their income did not exceed the $100,000 threshold. Starting in 2010, all IRA owners and participants in eligible employer-sponsored plans, regardless of income level, are eligible to convert their Traditional IRA and pre-tax funds in an employer-sponsored plan [401(a)/(k), 403(b) and governmental 457(b)] to a Roth IRA. Is this a good option for you? A conversion has both advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully considered before you make a decision. This calculator compares two alternatives with equal out of pocket costs to estimate the change in total net-worth, at retirement, if you convert your Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA.
A 401(k) can be one of your best tools for creating a secure retirement. It provides you with two important advantages. First, all contributions and earnings to your 401(k) are tax-deferred. You only pay taxes on contributions and earnings when the money is withdrawn. Second, many employers provide matching contributions to your 401(k) account. The combined result is a retirement savings plan you cannot afford to pass up.
Contributing to a traditional IRA can create a current tax deduction, plus it provides for potential tax-deferred growth. While long term savings in a Roth IRA may produce better after-tax returns, a Traditional IRA may be an excellent alternative if you qualify for the tax deduction.
Do you wonder how much you might receive in Social Security? Use this calculator to help you estimate your Social Security benefits. Remember, this is only an estimate. Your actual benefits may vary depending on your actual work history and income.
One of the most common causes of income loss is through a disability. While most disabilities cause only temporary loss of income, any income loss can be devastating if you are not financially prepared. This calculator helps you determine how much disability insurance you may need to cover expenses during such a disability.

Calculators are provided to help you plan for your future. The results offered are estimates and do not make any guarantees. The Investment Service Center does not offer a guarantee of the calculator results or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.