Woman and man holding little boy between them while boy kisses mothers cheek.

Our Solutions

Our team brings diversity to solutions and values collaborating with you and other professionals to pursue your financial goals. Our work goes beyond investments-we’re here to protect, advise and empower you. Together, we can create a personalized strategy around your full financial picture, focusing on the things that matter to you.

Among the many services we offer:

Retirement Planning

Your retirement years can be the best years of your life. However, today you can’t rely solely on Social Security or employer-sponsored retirement plans. You need to take the initiative and develop a plan to ensure you are financially prepared for your golden years.

It's never too early, or too late, to start saving. By teaming up with the Investment Service Center, we can give you tips on saving and investing based on how close or far you might be from retiring. We’ll help you create a focused retirement plan, while saving for other goals too. By using smart investing and withdrawal techniques, and learning about ways to generate income during retirement, we can help you address your income needs in retirement.

Investment Accounts, Management, and Advice

No matter your level of investment experience, if you're prioritizing your financial goals, need a plan for where and how to save, or want help with investment management, our team can help. With decades of combined experience, we can help make the decisions that grow your money, protect your assets, and leave behind a financial legacy that can affect your family and community for generations to come.

We believe in building a solid relationship based on trust and mutual respect. Schedule an appointment and get to know us. We’ll help you create a financial plan that is customized for your financial goals, risk tolerance and time horizon.

Education Planning

A college degree, despite the rising cost of tuition, remains a major achievement in the modern economy. You are more likely to have a job and earn a decent salary the more education you receive. Whether you are saving for yourself, a child, or grandchild, the high cost of higher education may seem overwhelming, but we can help.

Learn more about education planning

If you're concerned about the impact of taxes on your investments, we apply a range of tax-smart techniques throughout the year designed to help you keep more of what you've earned. We enjoy partnering with your accountant to develop strategies.  Whether you are considering capital gain/loss strategies via a 1031 exchange, charitable giving plans, RMDs, or withdrawal strategies, we can help.  Our team will work with you to develop a tax-efficient investment and distribution strategy that allows you to keep more of your hard-earned assets for yourself and your heirs.

*LPL Financial and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Tax-law is subject to frequent change; therefore it is important to coordinate with your tax advisor for the latest IRS rulings and specific tax advice, prior to undertaking an investment plan. Any tax or legal information provided here is merely a summary of our understanding and interpretation of some of the current income tax regulations and is not exhaustive. Investors must consult their tax advisor or legal counsel for advice and information concerning their particular situation.

Employer-Sponsored Plans

Employer-sponsored qualified retirement plans such as 401(k), 403(b), 457, SEP Plans, and SIMPLE IRAs are some of the most powerful retirement savings tools available. Many employers want to offer their employees the opportunity to save for retirement but are unsure of how to go about it. Our team is experienced in working with businesses of all sizes and has an excellent track record that can help you get started, manage your plan, and even share ideas and guidance to maximize the value to you and your employees. 

Defined Benefit Plans 412(i)

Are you hitting the limit on your SEP or SIMPLE IRA? Our team can help make a plan to meet the contribution objectives of small business owners and individuals with high self-employment income. Designed for a sole proprietor, LLC or corporation, a 412(i) is an IRS-approved retirement plan that allows significant tax-deductible contributions each year.

We provide personalized guidance and a range of services to help you to protect your wealth. Whether you want to safeguard your existing wealth or make plans for the next generation, our advisors will work with you to understand – and help to work toward – your individual and family goals.

Estate planning can be an emotionally and financially complex task. Younger family members may face unique challenges when they assume leadership in managing your family’s wealth. We can help them to prepare for their new roles by making sure that your governance structure is clearly articulated and that all members understand your goals.

However well you plan, some events can’t be predicted. Insurance can play a vital role in your financial plan. With custom insurance solutions (such as life insurance or long-term care insurance) integrated into your wealth plan, our team can help you build and transfer wealth, create liquidity, and help protect your assets.

Our team understands non-profits. We've served on boards for incredible organizations that better our local communities, and we consider it an honor to support those who selflessly make the world a better place. 

Our approach can help you detail your organization’s long-term goals, risk tolerance, investment timeline, tax picture, and investment constraints. By teaming up with the Investment Service Center, you can effectively steward your donations with a structure and investment strategy for long-term focus
Deciding when and how you’ll take Social Security is an important part of planning your retirement. Getting it right is critical for sustaining, protecting, and raising your living standard. Did you know there are more than 9,200 different ways to file for the typical couple?
Our team can help tackle the complexities of it all by using a comprehensive strategy designed to help your house hold, regardless of your circumstances, get the highest lifetime benefits.
If you or a loved one are nearing age 65, we can also assist in helping you navigate the process of signing up for Medicare and Medicare Supplement coverage.
Already have coverage? It is typical for Medicare Supplement premiums to increase over time. These premium increases are at the discretion of the insurance company and are influenced by the age and claims history of their respective risk pools. Each insurance company’s risk pools are unique, resulting in different premium change schedules.
Given that Medicare Supplement policies are mandated to provide like coverage among like plans, there’s a possibility that you could attain the same coverage you are enjoying now at a lower premium. Our team believes it is important to occasionally re-quote your coverage to ensure you’ve got the best deal out there. Contact our office if you are interested in a quote.
Gifts to charity are one of the best tax-saving opportunities available. Not only does the charity itself benefit, but the taxpayer receives a tax deduction, at least to a certain limit. We offer several plans, such as donor-advised funds, qualified charitable distributions from IRA's in leu of required minimum distributions, charitable trusts or gifting appreciated assets in-kind, that allow you to contribute to your favorite charities while getting the benefits of the exchange.